Sunday November 3rd 2013 - 1pm
An overview of photography. Using Susan Sontag’s critical essay, On Photography, we will explore the roots of photography and its evolution throughout time.
We will explore the history of photography, from analogue to digital. We will also look at the relationship between painting and photography to get a better understanding on how to appreciate fine art photography.

Sunday, November 24th 2013 - 1pm
This lecture provides a brief introduction to the plethora that is Canadian art.
We will explore important art movements, famous artists and their art, with an emphasis on their location.
Think of it as a sample platter of art in Canada.
By the end of the lecture you will be informed on what to look for in Toronto, Why Vancouver is So Photo, and so forth.

Sunday, December 8th 2013 - 1pm
In this lecture, we look at the relationship between the fine art world and commercial mainstream pop culture. From its history of album cover collaborations to the present day movement of visual artists being present in mainstream media.
We will go over the Pop Art movement and discuss recent attempts at ‘Artpop’, through examples by Andy Warhol, Marina Abramovic, Ai Weiwei and yes, Lady Gaga.

He was worked for several art organizations here in the Okanagan, including the Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art, The Kelowna Art Gallery and the Arts Council of the Central Okanagan.
Hanss is excited to share his art and cultural studies knowledge with the Lake Country Art Gallery, promising fun and insightful lectures that are accessible to anyone with an interest in art.