I LOVE sharing and teaching and I strive to inspire you to become the best artist
you can be.
Painting is about connection and what better way to connect with you than to take one of my workshops!
What will you do in one of my workshops?
- Learn how to start painting and stop thinking about painting!
- Learn by painting/sketching small and fast - have a sense of completion
- Learn the basics (shape, value, colour, composition) and simplify
- Find your creative voice!
Upcoming classes at the art House
Beginning Painting (oils and acrylics)
Tuesday October 20 to December 8, 2015
7:00-9:00 (8 classes) $200
IN this class you will learn how to start, what to paint, how to choose tools and materials, explore different techniques, learn to see as an artist, paint from life (still life) find your artistic voice!
Just Paint!! (oils and acrylics)
Tuesday October 20 to December 8, 2015
1-4 pm (8 classes) $250
Start painting and Stop thinking about painting! Simplify the process,learn quick tools for value, colour, composition and sketching, learn to see as an artist, paint from life. We’ll be doing lots of exercises to improve your skills!
Also Suitable for beginners!
The artHouse, 10344 Bottom Wood Lake Road, Lake Country, BC.
To register online or for more information please CALL Sheila 250.863.7904
Or go to www.sheilatansey.com/workshops