Pippa and Alison will host an Open House on October 16th from 10am to 1pm at the ArtHouse so you can find out more about their Friday Art Practice, Sunday Art Sessions, Artists Circle and Sunday Morning studio. With COVID protocols events will be by pre-registration and limited to 6 participants. Below are summaries for each event.
Friday Art Practice is open studio time (must pre-register) to connect with the artistic community and the current Lake Country Art Gallery Exhibition. Bring your art practice to the ArtHouse and have time to play! Pippa and Alison will be working alongside the group and will invite volunteer artists to inspire the group.
Sunday Morning Studio(SMS) is a 4 week art program for children and youth (Age 8 to 18). Each four week program will explore the Lake Country Art Gallery's current exhibition and provide opportunities for SMS artists to explore areas of interest creating their own art in response to the exhibition.
Artists Circle The Artists Circle invites those interested to come together and identify collective areas of need for professional development. Whether its taxes, photographing your work or getting your social media up and running. The first sessions will be an opportunity for attendees to "artstorm" their ideas and priorities for professional development, with a focus on current needs during the pandemic.
Sunday Art Sessions are an opportunity for all ages to experience the current exhibition at Lake Country Art gallery and participate in a related activity in the gallery space or ARTHouse site. Join us for 45minute sessions at either 1:30pm or 2 :30pm (prior registration is required). Adult supervision required.