Instruction includes colour theory, composition, blending techniques and instructor demonstrations of many special qualities unique to this medium which the students will then apply to their own paintings. Beginners are welcome. The goal will be to complete paintings during each class and several during the Saturday workshop. All new projects and all supplies are included.
Weekly Art Classes* Session #1: Tuesdays; February 5, 19 & 26, 2013 Session #2: Tuesdays; March 5, 12 & 26, 2013 Day Class: 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm or Evening Class: 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm Cost: $130.00 per month. All supplies included. Classes located at the Lake Country Art Gallery. Alternative ‘Open’ Weekly Classes: Participants will work in their medium of choice on projects of their own choosing. Dates same as above sessions. Classes located at the Lake Country Art Gallery. 10am – 12noon, $100.00 per month, bring your own supplies. . Weekend Workshops* Saturday, February 2 & March 2, 2013 (Each Saturday will have a new program). 10:00 am – 4:30 pm, Workshop Fee: $105.00 each. All supplies included. Location: Opus Supply Store, Ellis St., Kelowna B.C. For more information or to register please contact Marlene: Phone: 250-766-3934 Email: [email protected] www.marlenemcpherson.weebly.com www.MyArtClub.Com/Marlene.McPherson *Please note classes are for teens & adults and are subject to enrolment. |
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Interested in Hosting a Workshop?Call for Instructors
If you are an instructor and are interested in hosting your own workshop in the ARTHOUSE, please contact the gallery to book the space for your workshop. Click on the button below to view the rental agreement. ARCHIVES
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