Sunday November 10 - 9 a.m. to noon
Grammar 101
You hated it in middle school, but you'll love this class. Don't be tense about tenses, or possessive about your nouns. Capitalize on this class and learn how to stay away from passive verbs in business writing and how to turn a negative into a positive. No more buts, just ands and ifs.
Sunday November 10 - 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The Power of Brevity
The first of two editing classes to teach students how less can be more. Most people read at a grade eight to 10 level, and writing about that level is unproductive. This hands-on session teaches how to edit those run on sentences and how to say more by saying less. Learn how to eliminate useless words and give clear understanding of what you mean. Be prepared to write!
Sunday November 17 - 9 a.m. to noon
Editing 101
Learn how to change from writer to editor mode. Basic editing marks, removing adjectives, searching for ings and lys. Completed assignments will be discussed as a group. Also discussions on types of writing styles, focusing mostly on CP style, with some brief overview of other styles such as medical and science style guides, or other guides as per group requirement.
Sunday November 17 - 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The Postcard Short Story
Take what you've learned about grammar, editing and brevity and use it to write a postcard short story. A postcard story is 250 words or less, fits on a postcard, and can be fiction or non-fiction. Sound easy? Think again. Your story needs a plot, a beginning, middle and end, a climax, some action and a significant change in the main character. When you are done you'll have a finely crafted story ready to submit to contests.
Cost is $125 for all four sessions or $38 for individual classes
Classes are limited to EIGHT - and those choosing the full toolbox will be given priority.
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